
Friday 21 May 2021

Bodybuilding Supplements


Many bodybuilders take dietary supplements, some of which are useful while others are not (10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source).

The best bodybuilding supplements include:

  • Whey protein: Consuming whey protein powder is an easy and convenient way to increase your protein intake.
  • Creatine: Creatine provides your muscles with the energy needed to perform an additional rep or two. While there are many brands of creatine, look for creatine monohydrate as it’s the most effective (12Trusted Source).
  • Caffeine: Caffeine decreases fatigue and allows you to work harder. It’s found in pre-workout supplements, coffee or tea (13Trusted Source).

A multi-vitamin and mineral supplement may be helpful if you’re limiting your calorie intake in an effort to reduce body fat during your cutting phase.


Include a variety of nutrient-rich foods across and within all the food groups in your diet. Avoid or limit alcohol, foods with added sugars and deep-fried foods. In addition to your diet, whey protein, creatine and caffeine can be useful supplements.

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