
Saturday 20 October 2018

Concentration Curls for Bigger Arms.

Are Concentration Curls the best exercise for ARMS.

Arnold Bicep Shot during Mr Universe Contest.

#1 Concentration Curl

What is Concentration Curl?

Everyone is focused on growing there Bicep but when you step in the gym you see people doing 2-3 exercises to grow their bicep which are dumbbell curl, barbell curl and preacher curl. By performing 1 exercise mentioned here you will see changes in your bicep within 1 month. 
Concentration Curl is the most underrated exercise when training for biceps. Keep in mind having a mind and muscle connection is very important when performing any exercise. Concentration Curls are key to developing that bicep peak that everyone in the gym wants. Performing this exercise is very simple and results are very fast. 

What are the benefits?
  1. Increases Bicep Peak
  2. Improves Mind & Muscle Connection
  3. Muscle gets stronger faster.
How to perform Concentration Curl?

You could perform this exercise 2 ways 
  1. Standing
  2. Sitting
Both of the ways require the same focus from your end. Focus on squeezing the bicep. ** Remember to use a Dumbbell that is light in which you can perform 10-15 reps without any help from the other hand. **  When Performing the exercise don't use momentum and swing the arm to complete the full motion. 

Concentration Curls while sitting.

Step by Step for seated Concentration Curl

  1. Sit on the edge of the flat bench, with keeping your thighs parallel to the floor and your body braced with your back straight and closer to your knees so you have acute angle.
  2. Fix your elbows onto your thighs and Curl the weight up and focus on squeezing the muscle on the top. 
  3. Pause at the top and come slowly down to the starting position.

How Many Sets and Reps?

When performing Concentration Curls for Bicep, start by doing 4 sets of 10-15 reps. Keep the rest period under 1 min and exhaust the muscle. Concentration curl should be performed as *finisher.

What Muscle are used in Concentration Curl?

  1. Bicep Brachii
  2. Brachialis Muscles
  3. Tricep Brachii
  4. Flexor Digitorum
  5. Pectoral Major
  6. Serratus Major
  7. Rectus abdominis


Video Credit: Stoppani, Dr Jim. YouTube. YouTube, YouTube, 29 Dec. 2017,

Saturday 6 October 2018


What's in it for health enthusiasts, fitness gurus, and bodybuilders?

1. Why you should take multi-vitamins?
2. How multi-vitamins affects your daily life?
3. What will multi-vitamin do for the long term?

1. Why you should take multi-vitamins?

Multi-Vitamins is a complete source of everything the body needs in one go with that said its still a supplement it means it doesn't replace your daily meals, so why we can't just try and eat most of the veggies and fruits and then we are fine, well theoretically it make sense but unfortunately that is not how our body works

take an example for the most important vitamin which is Vitamin-C, for most who do not know vitamin C is not only useful to protect you from cold and flu but its an essential vitamin to recover your exhausted muscles from the catabolic effect of working out or even doing any physical effort
so in the night you need to consume vitamin c in order to recover while sleeping.
what if we consumed orange instead of vitamin C, 
so lets say you need 500mg of vitamin c and an orange only contains 51mg so you need to consume 10 orange at one go, so you also consumed lots of acid and fractose at one go.
now it makes no sense to swap the vitamins with fruits but you need both

Image result for multi vitamins

you can say the same about all the other vitamins and they are:

  • Vitamin A: Necessary for skin, eye and immune health.
  • Vitamin C: Essential for your immune system and collagen production.
  • B vitamins: Involved in energy metabolism and red blood cell production.
  • Calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K and zinc: Vital for bone health.
  • Vitamin E and selenium: Help protect your cells from damage.
  • Omega 3-6-9: fatty acids can increase "good" HDL cholesterol. They can also reduce triglycerides, blood pressure and the formation of arterial plaques

Actual multivitamins contains
C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, biotin, A, E, D2 (or D3), K, potassium, iodine, selenium, borate, zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, betacarotene, and/or iron.

2. How multi-vitamins affects your daily life?

Bodybuilders, athletes, and people that lead active lifestyles need even more nutrients than the average non-active person.


Because it aids the repair and growth of body tissues, vitamin A is crucially important to bodybuilders. Other important functions of vitamin A are the development of the reproductive system, skin and mucosal lining protection and eye sight integrity. Many bodybuilders probably have marginally low vitamin A intakes, due to their emphasis on other dietary factors.
Intense physical activity, however, disrupts the absorption of vitamin A and can exacerbate the already fragile state of the vitamin A levels bodybuilders might have. A low-fat intake can also affect vitamin A status. Vitamin A and carotene can be lost in the faeces of one who is on a low fat diet as with a low fat intake very little bile gets to the intestine, where it helps to ensure that vitamin A is retained and absorbed.
Vitamin A also helps regulate the immune system through helping lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that fights infections, function more effectively.
Some carotenoids have also been shown to function as antioxidants to fight free-radical build-up and further aid the immune system.
Vitamin A promotes normal growth and development of the bones and teeth. It stimulates young cells to become mature, specialized cells that produce bone tissue and tooth enamel.


Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid or L-ascorbate, is an essential vitamin to the human body. It could very well be one of the safest and most important vitamins you could take on a daily basis. Vitamin C is most known as the first thing people go for whenever they have a cold. It is a water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for normal growth and development. Since it is water soluble, extra amounts that the body doesn't use leaves the body through urine within 24 hours.

It is an antioxidant as well. Antioxidants are nutrients that block some of the damage caused by free radicals, which are by-products that result when our bodies transform food into energy. Antioxidants also possibly help reduce the damage to the body caused by toxic chemicals and pollutants such as cigarette smoke.

Vitamin C is required for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It is used to form collagen, a protein used to make skin, scar tissue, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. It is also essential for the healing of wounds, and for the repair and maintenance of people's cartilage, bones, and teeth. C also helps with blood pressure by strengthening the walls of the arteries. It can also prevent damage to cells caused by aging as well as help reduce stress.

Calcium, magnesium, and zinc:

Numerous research studies have suggested that zinc and magnesium help enhance muscle size, muscle strength, and fat loss, not to mention overall health and well-being.*
Better sleep quality also helps to aid muscle recovery from tough workouts.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E may help ease muscle soreness from a rigorous workout, according to a 2002 study. The vitamin acts as an antioxidant to protect cells from free radicals generated during a workout. ... It's a normal response to overexertion and part of a process that leads to greater strength once the muscles recover.

Omega 3-6-9:

Maintaining cellular health, decreasing inflammation, lowering "bad" cholesterol, preventing many diseases (such as cancer), brain development, skin problems, heart health, prevents blood clotting, fat loss.

3. What will multi-vitamin do for the long term?

Doctors reviewed 15 studies covering healthy adults, pregnant women, and older adults, where the supplements contained at least nine vitamins and three minerals at up to 100 percent of the recommended dietary allowance. “Multivitamin-minerals within the range of Dietary Reference Intake will not result in excess intake, even when including food and fortified food, and do not increase mortality,” researchers concluded, continuing, “Multivitamin-minerals can be safe for long-term use of more than 10 years.”
Even with a balanced, healthy diet, micronutrient gaps can occur from time to time, and nearly three in four Americans don’t get enough vitamins A, C, D, and E, calcium, and magnesium. Multivitamin-mineral supplements help close these gaps, improve nutritional levels, and reduce potential health issues without exceeding upper recommended limits, doctors said. 

By: Mohamed Riad
bodybuildingmeals admin (facebook)